Package org.apache.sis.console

package org.apache.sis.console
Command line interface for Apache SIS. See Command for the list of supported commands.

SIS installation on remote machines

Some sub-commands can operate on SIS installation on remote machines, provided that Apache SIS has been compiled with MBeans enabled and that the remote Java Virtual Machine has been started with the following options:
java \ \ \ \
     <other options>
If the port number is different than 1099, then it must be specified to the sis subcommand after the host name. For example if the port number has been set to 9999, then the about sub-command shall be invoked as below:
java org.apache.sis.console.Command about localhost:1099
The property is recommended if the remote JVM is another JVM instance running on the local machine. Otherwise this property can be omitted for debugging purpose. For production environment, see the security settings documented on the Monitoring and Management Using JMX Technology page.
  • Class
    Command line interface for Apache SIS.
    Thrown when a unknown command has been given by the user on the command-line.
    Thrown when an illegal option has been given by the user on the command-line.
    A provider for data licensed under different terms of use than the Apache license.