Landsat to ISO 19115 metadata

Landset metadata are provided as key-value pairs in text files (ASCII). While Landsat files are divided in groups (METADATA_FILE_INFO, PRODUCT_METADATA, IMAGE_ATTRIBUTES, MIN_MAX_RADIANCE, MIN_MAX_REFLECTANCE, MIN_MAX_PIXEL_VALUE, RADIOMETRIC_RESCALING, TIRS_THERMAL_CONSTANTS, PROJECTION_PARAMETERS), they can nevertheless be though as flat structures since there are no duplicated key names. Consequently, the Landsat group are omitted in the following discussion. But ISO 19115 metadata on the other hand are structured as trees, and this tree structure cannot be ignored.

Landsat values are mapped to ISO 19115 metadata when an ISO property can be found for a Landsat key. The Landsat to ISO mapping is not always a one-to-one relationship. In some cases the ISO value need to be computed from two or more Landsat values. In other cases the ISO value does not appear in the Landsat file at all, so the value is hard-coded in the MetadataReader class.

In the following table, black values in the "Landsat property" column are hard-coded values. Some of them are inferred from table 2-1: Band Reference Table in the Landsat Data Format Control Book (DFCB). Green values are values to be read and interpreted as described in table 3-4: L1Gt / L1T Metadata File. Values in the ISO 19115 column shown the paths to an ISO property relative to the Metadata root. When an ISO property can accept various subtypes, the type used are those listed below:

  • identificationInfo is of type DataIdentification (a Identification subtype)
  • contentInfo is of type ImageDescription (a ContentInformation subtype)
  • attribute is of type Band (a RangeDimension subtype)


Metadata mapping
ISO 19115 property Landsat property Description or comment
  ├─Language English
  ├─Spatial representation info (1 of 3)
  │   ├─Number of dimensions 2
  │   ├─Axis dimension properties (1 of 2)
  │   │   ├─Dimension name Sample
  │   │   └─Dimension size PANCHROMATIC_SAMPLES
  │   └─Axis dimension properties (2 of 2)
  │       ├─Dimension name Line
  │       └─Dimension size PANCHROMATIC_LINES
  ├─Spatial representation info (2 of 3)
  │   ├─Number of dimensions 2
  │   │   ├─Dimension name Sample
  │   │   └─Dimension size REFLECTIVE_SAMPLES
  │   └─Axis dimension properties (2 of 2)
  │       ├─Dimension name Line
  │       └─Dimension size REFLECTIVE_LINES
  ├─Spatial representation info (3 of 3)
  │   ├─Number of dimensions 2
  │   │   ├─Dimension name Sample
  │   │   └─Dimension size THERMAL_SAMPLES
  │   └─Axis dimension properties (2 of 2)
  │       ├─Dimension name Line
  │       └─Dimension size THERMAL_LINES
  ├─Reference system info MAP_PROJECTION, etc.UTM or polar stereographic projection built from up to 8 elements.
  ├─Identification info
  │   ├─Citation
  │   │   ├─Date: FILE_DATE The date when metadata file product set was created.
  │   │   │   └─Date type: Creation Hard-coded ISO 19115 value to be set only if above date exists.
  │   │   └─Identifier: LANDSAT_SCENE_ID The unique Landsat scene identifier.
  │   ├─Credit: ORIGIN Recognition of those who contributed to the resources.
  │   ├─Resource format
  │   │   └─Format specification citation
  │   │       ├─Title: Long name inferred from OUTPUT_FORMAT if possible.
  │   │       └─Alternate title: OUTPUT_FORMAT The name of the data transfer format, considered as an abbreviation.
  │   ├─Spatial resolution (1 of 3) GRID_CELL_SIZE_PANCHROMATICThe grid cell size in meters for the panchromatic band, if part of the product.
  │   ├─Spatial resolution (2 of 3) GRID_CELL_SIZE_REFLECTIVEThe grid cell size in meters for the reflective bands, if part of the product.
  │   ├─Spatial resolution (3 of 3) GRID_CELL_SIZE_THERMAL The grid cell size in meters for the thermal bands, if part of the product.
  │   └─Extent
  │       ├─Geographic element
  │       │   ├─West bound longitude: min(CORNER_*_LON_PRODUCT) The western-most longitude value in degrees (approximation).
  │       │   ├─East bound longitude: max(CORNER_*_LON_PRODUCT) The eastern-most longitude value in degrees (approximation).
  │       │   ├─South bound latitude: min(CORNER_*_LAT_PRODUCT) The southern-most longitude value in degrees (approximation).
  │       │   ├─North bound latitude: max(CORNER_*_LAT_PRODUCT) The northern-most longitude value in degrees (approximation).
  │       │   └─Extent type code: true
  │       └─Temporal element
  │           └─Start time: DATE_ACQUIRED + SCENE_CENTER_TIME The date and center time the image was acquired.
  ├─Content info
  │   ├─Illumination elevation angle: SUN_ELEVATION The Sun elevation angle in degrees for the image center location at the image center acquisition time.
  │   ├─Illumination azimuth angle: SUN_AZIMUTH The Sun azimuth angle in degrees for the image center location at the image center acquisition time.
  │   ├─Cloud cover percentage: CLOUD_COVER The overall cloud coverage (percent) of the WRS-2 scene.
  │   ├─Attribute group (1 of 3) Reflective bands
  │   │   ├─Content type: Physical measurement The types of information represented by the values.
  │   │   ├─Attribute (1 of 8)
  │   │   │   ├─Bound units: nm Units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed.
  │   │   │   ├─Peak response: 433
  │   │   │   ├─Min value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_1 Minimum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Max value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_1 Maximum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Scale factor: REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_1 Multiplicative rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Offset: REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_1 Additive rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Transfer function type: Linear Scale factor and offset are used in a linear equation.
  │   │   │   ├─Name: FILE_NAME_BAND_1 File name of the TIFF image containing pixel values
  │   │   │   └─Description: Coastal Aerosol (Operational Land Imager)
  │   │   ├─Attribute (2 of 8)
  │   │   │   ├─Bound units: nm Units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed.
  │   │   │   ├─Peak response: 482
  │   │   │   ├─Min value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_2 Minimum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Max value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_2 Maximum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Scale factor: REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_2 Multiplicative rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Offset: REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_2 Additive rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Transfer function type: Linear Scale factor and offset are used in a linear equation.
  │   │   │   ├─Name: FILE_NAME_BAND_2 File name of the TIFF image containing pixel values
  │   │   │   └─Description: Blue (OLI)
  │   │   ├─Attribute (3 of 8)
  │   │   │   ├─Bound units: nm Units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed.
  │   │   │   ├─Peak response: 562
  │   │   │   ├─Min value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_3 Minimum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Max value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_3 Maximum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Scale factor: REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_3 Multiplicative rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Offset: REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_3 Additive rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Transfer function type: Linear Scale factor and offset are used in a linear equation.
  │   │   │   ├─Name: FILE_NAME_BAND_3 File name of the TIFF image containing pixel values
  │   │   │   └─Description: Green (OLI)
  │   │   ├─Attribute (4 of 8)
  │   │   │   ├─Bound units: nm Units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed.
  │   │   │   ├─Peak response: 655
  │   │   │   ├─Min value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_4 Minimum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Max value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_4 Maximum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Scale factor: REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_4 Multiplicative rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Offset: REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_4 Additive rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Transfer function type: Linear Scale factor and offset are used in a linear equation.
  │   │   │   ├─Name: FILE_NAME_BAND_4 File name of the TIFF image containing pixel values
  │   │   │   └─Description: Red (OLI)
  │   │   ├─Attribute (5 of 8)
  │   │   │   ├─Bound units: nm Units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed.
  │   │   │   ├─Peak response: 865
  │   │   │   ├─Min value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_5 Minimum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Max value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_5 Maximum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Scale factor: REFLECTANCEREFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_5 Multiplicative rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Offset: RADIANCE_ADD_BAND_5 Additive rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Transfer function type: Linear Scale factor and offset are used in a linear equation.
  │   │   │   ├─Name: FILE_NAME_BAND_5 File name of the TIFF image containing pixel values
  │   │   │   └─Description: Near-Infrared (NIR) (OLI)
  │   │   ├─Attribute (6 of 8)
  │   │   │   ├─Bound units: nm Units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed.
  │   │   │   ├─Peak response: 1610
  │   │   │   ├─Min value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_6 Minimum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Max value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_6 Maximum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Scale factor: REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_6 Multiplicative rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Offset: REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_6 Additive rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Transfer function type: Linear Scale factor and offset are used in a linear equation.
  │   │   │   ├─Name: FILE_NAME_BAND_6 File name of the TIFF image containing pixel values
  │   │   │   └─Description: Short Wavelength Infrared (SWIR) 1 (OLI)
  │   │   ├─Attribute (7 of 8)
  │   │   │   ├─Bound units: nm Units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed.
  │   │   │   ├─Peak response: 2200
  │   │   │   ├─Min value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_7 Minimum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Max value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_7 Maximum pixel value.
  │   │   │   ├─Scale factor: REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_7 Multiplicative rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Offset: REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_7 Additive rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │   │   ├─Transfer function type: Linear Scale factor and offset are used in a linear equation.
  │   │   │   ├─Name: FILE_NAME_BAND_7 File name of the TIFF image containing pixel values
  │   │   │   └─Description: SWIR 2 (OLI)
  │   │   └─Attribute (8 of 8)
  │   │       ├─Bound units: nm Units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed.
  │   │       ├─Peak response: 1375
  │   │       ├─Min value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_9 Minimum pixel value.
  │   │       ├─Max value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_9 Maximum pixel value.
  │   │       ├─Scale factor: REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_9 Multiplicative rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │       ├─Offset: REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_9 Additive rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │       ├─Transfer function type: Linear Scale factor and offset are used in a linear equation.
  │   │       ├─Name: FILE_NAME_BAND_9 File name of the TIFF image containing pixel values
  │   │       └─Description: Cirrus (OLI)
  │   ├─Attribute group (2 of 3) Panchromatic band
  │   │   ├─Content type: Physical measurement The types of information represented by the values.
  │   │   └─Attribute (8 of 11)
  │   │       ├─Bound units: nm Units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed.
  │   │       ├─Peak response: 590
  │   │       ├─Min value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_8 Minimum pixel value.
  │   │       ├─Max value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_8 Maximum pixel value.
  │   │       ├─Scale factor: REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_8 Multiplicative rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │       ├─Offset: REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_8 Additive rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │   │       ├─Transfer function type: Linear Scale factor and offset are used in a linear equation.
  │   │       ├─Name: FILE_NAME_BAND_8 File name of the TIFF image containing pixel values
  │   │       └─Description: Panchromatic (OLI)
  │   └─Attribute group (3 of 3) Thermal bands
  │       ├─Content type: Physical measurement The types of information represented by the values.
  │       ├─Attribute (10 of 11)
  │       │   ├─Bound units: nm Units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed.
  │       │   ├─Peak response: 10800
  │       │   ├─Min value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_10 Minimum pixel value.
  │       │   ├─Max value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_10 Maximum pixel value.
  │       │   ├─Scale factor: REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_10 Multiplicative rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │       │   ├─Offset: REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_10 Additive rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │       │   ├─Transfer function type: Linear Scale factor and offset are used in a linear equation.
  │       │   ├─Name: FILE_NAME_BAND_10 File name of the TIFF image containing pixel values
  │       │   └─Description: Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) 1
  │       └─Attribute (11 of 11)
  │           ├─Bound units: nm Units in which sensor wavelengths are expressed.
  │           ├─Peak response: 12000
  │           ├─Min value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MIN_BAND_11 Minimum pixel value.
  │           ├─Max value: QUANTIZE_CAL_MAX_BAND_11 Maximum pixel value.
  │           ├─Scale factor: REFLECTANCE_MULT_BAND_11 Multiplicative rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │           ├─Offset: REFLECTANCE_ADD_BAND_11 Additive rescaling factor from pixel to reflectance units.
  │           ├─Transfer function type: Linear Scale factor and offset are used in a linear equation.
  │           ├─Name: FILE_NAME_BAND_11 File name of the TIFF image containing pixel values
  │           └─Description: Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) 2
  ├─Acquisition information
  │   ├─Acquisition requirement
  │   │   └─Identifier: REQUEST_ID Product Request ID.
  │   ├─Operation
  │   │   ├─Status: Completed Status of the data acquisition.
  │   │   ├─Type: Real Collection technique for the operation.
  │   │   └─Significant event
  │   │       ├─Context: Acquisition Meaning of the event.
  │   │       └─Time: DATE_ACQUIRED + SCENE_CENTER_TIME Duplication of above "Start time" metadata.
  │   └─Platform
  │       ├─Identifier: SPACECRAFT_ID Spacecraft from which the data were captured.
  │       └─Instrument
  │           └─Identifier: SENSOR_ID Sensor used to capture this scene.
  └─Date info: FILE_DATE Duplication of above "Citation date" metadata.
      └─Date type: Creation Hard-coded ISO 19115 value to be set only if dateInfo/date exists.