Interface FeatureSet

All Superinterfaces:
Data­Set, Resource
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
Abstract­Feature­Set, Concatenated­Feature­Set, Join­Feature­Set

public interface FeatureSet extends DataSet
A dataset providing access to a stream of features. All features share a common set of properties described by get­Type(). The common set of properties does not need to enumerate all possible properties since additional properties can be defined in subtypes. In many cases at least one property is a geometry, but features without geometry are also allowed.
  • Method Details

    • getType

      Returns a description of properties that are common to all features in this dataset. The feature type contains the definition of all properties, including but not only:
      • Name to use for accessing the property
      • Human-readable description
      • Type of values
      • Multiplicity (minimum and maximum number of occurrences)
      • Coordinate Reference System.
      All features returned by features(boolean) will be either of that type, or a sub-type of it.

      Relationship with metadata

      if subtypes exist, their list may be obtained from the metadata like below (if the Feature­Set implementation provides that information):
      for (ContentInformation content : metadata.getContentInfo()) {
          if (content instanceof FeatureCatalogueDescription) {
              for (FeatureTypeInfo info : ((FeatureCatalogueDescription) content).getFeatureTypeInfo()) {
                  GenericName name = info.getFeatureTypeName();
                  // ... add the name to some list ...
      description of common properties (never null).
      Data­Store­Exception - if an error occurred while reading definitions from the underlying data store.
    • subset

      Requests a subset of features and/or feature properties from this resource. The filtering can be applied in two domains:
      • The returned Feature­Set may contain a smaller number of Feature instances.
      • In each Feature instance of the returned set, the number of properties may be smaller.
      While it is technically possible to return a transformed feature set (i.e. containing feature properties not found in this original Feature­Set, for example as a result of some computation), such usages should be rare. Transformations should be the topic of a separated processing package. This subset(Query) method is rather for allowing Data­Store implementations to optimize the overall filtering by using the tools available with their format (for example an R-tree). Bounding­Box filters are the most common case of optimization implemented by Data­Store.

      The returned subset may be a view of this set, i.e. changes in this Feature­Set may be reflected immediately on the returned subset (and conversely), but not necessarily. However, the returned subset may not have the same capabilities as this Feature­Set. In particular, write operations may become unsupported after complex queries.

      Default implementation

      The default implementation delegates to Feature­Query​.execute(Feature­Set) if the given query is an instance of Feature­Query, or throws Unsupported­Query­Exception otherwise. The default Feature­Query implementation tries to execute the query by filtering the stream of features, which may be inefficient — subclasses are encouraged to override this subset(Query) method.
      query - definition of feature and feature properties filtering applied at reading time.
      resulting subset of features (never null).
      Unsupported­Query­Exception - if this Feature­Set cannot execute the given query. This includes query validation errors.
      Data­Store­Exception - if another error occurred while processing the query.
      See Also:
    • features

      Stream<AbstractFeature> features(boolean parallel) throws DataStoreException
      Returns a stream of all features contained in this dataset. For all features, the following condition shall be true:
      Most implementations will create Feature instances on-the-fly when the stream terminal operation is executed. A tryfinally block should be used for releasing Data­Store resources used by the operation. If a checked exception happens during stream execution, that exception will be wrapped in an unchecked Backing­Store­Exception. The following code shows how this stream can be used:
          void myReadOperation() throws DataStoreException {
              try (Stream<Feature> features = myDataStore.features(false)) {
                  // Use the stream here.
              } catch (BackingStoreException e) {
                  throw e.unwrapOrRethrow(DataStoreException.class);
      The parallel argument specifies whether a parallelized stream is desired. If false, the stream is guaranteed to be sequential. If true, the stream may or may not be parallel; implementations are free to ignore this argument if they do not support parallelism.
      parallel - true for a parallel stream (if supported), or false for a sequential stream.
      all features contained in this dataset.
      Data­Store­Exception - if an error occurred while creating the stream.